Isn't he cute? Well, I think so, hehe. I decided that in honor of Matt's Birthday I am going to share 26 things that I love about him..
- I really love how much he makes me laugh, and how much fun we have together. And now that we have a son, we all giggle :D
- He's tall! I love how tall he is, it makes me feel like the small girl and that I am protected :D
- He has great taste in music, and introduced me to some bands that are now my very favorites... but without him I never would have given them a chance.
- He has really nice hair, baldness is not in his horizion - ever!
- His family is amazing and accepted me as one of their own, and family is very important to him.
- He is accepting of my quirks/crazyness, and puts up with me!
- He is really genuine and sincere, a real nice guy ;)
- He knows almost every simpsons joke there has ever been, and randomly quotes them.
- If you need to know something about sports, ask him and there is a good chance that he knows!
- When we were living in Calgary far away from his family, they sent Christmas letters and he teared up when reading them.
- I love how he rolls up in his blankets like a giant taco, then he has a hugging pillow, a foot blanket, and....
- He has a comfort blanket named big bird, which is smelly and disgusting but he loves. And that's pretty cute.
- His cheeks are soft.
- He's an amazing daddy!
- He drove me alllll the way across Canada. I played Nintendo DS for 8 days while he drove... what a sweetie.
- He thnks almost everything I do is funny, or cute. I'm forever saying "what?!" and he says "Oh you're just cute"
- He is the best friend I've ever had.
- He works so hard for his family. Up until last week he had two jobs, and would still tidy up the house and feed/put Jude to sleep at night to give me a break.
- When I come to bed at night and he is already asleep, he hugs me.
- I love how we have "Family jumping time" every day after work, where he, Jude and I all jump up and down and giggle together.
- I love when he gets home from work and I feel like a dead mommy he looks at me like I'm beautiful!
- I love how cute he looks in a sweater vest.
- I love how he fusses over his hair in the rear view mirror.
- He is so proud of being Dutch, and owns a *lot* of dutch soccer merchandise, hehe.
- When I clean, he always tells me how nice the house looks and make me feel appreciated. He also likes my cooking even when I think it is boring, and always has something nice to say about my crafts :D
- I love how easy it has been to come up with 26 things I love about him, and how I could keep going forever..
So here's to you hon.. I hope the next 26 years of your life are as awesome as the first :) And I'm so happy I get to be there with you!